Aarti | Hazuri Nitnem Bani – Takhat Suchkhand Hazur Sahib

First version of the translation of Aarti – Aarta on Traditional Dharmic Truth Seeker and uploaded on Jan 1, 2021.

Aarti Aarta is a Khalsa ceremony still practiced in a traditional manner in the Takhats outside of Punjab. This traditional practice is also maintained by the Nihang Singhs (Akali Nihangs) and some sampardas in Punjab. I have added English translations (many of which I’ve translated myself) in addition to the Gurbani subtitles in Gurmukhi and Devanagari. This form of Aarti is an old (Puratan) practice, which used to be done in the Takhats of Punjab prior to the reforms of the 1920s. This Aarti in Sikhi is very unique since it is performed for both Nirgun (formless) and Sargun (formed) aspects of the supreme almighty (Akal Purakh). Here is a brief outline/summary of the Aarti-Aarta done at Hazur Sahib in this video: 1 . Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s Bani (From Dasam Granth) is recited first – Aarti is done of the Sargun saroop in the form of Shasters (Guru Gobind Singh Ji writes in Shaster Naam Mala: As Kirpan Kando Kharag Tupak Tabar Ar Teer, Saif Saroee Saithee Hayai Humare Peer [Guru Sahib describes the shasters as being our clerics]) 2. Guru Nanak Ji’s Bani – The beautiful transcendent divine Aarti of the Nirgun/Bairath forms of Ik Onkar (Akal Purakh). An amazing Aarti is done by nature while the Aarti is performed in the temples by humanity. 3. Bhagat Ravidas Ji’s Bani – Aarti of the Nirgun Saroop. (With Naam Simran (‘Waheguru’ Japa and repetition of ‘Har’) during the Kirtan) 4. Bhagat Sain Ji’s Bani – Aarti of the Sargun Saroop of Waheguru (salutation to Hari). (Done by the Khalsa by holding Ghee lamps to create a soothing atmosphere in the surrounding air while standing before Guru Granth Sahib Ji and before the holy Shasters) 5. Bhagat Kabir Ji’s Bani – Aarti of the Nirgun Saroop (Nirankar) (Naam Simran and Waheguru Jaap continues with the Kirtan) 6. Bhagat Dhanna Ji – Aarti/Aarta of the Sargun Saroop (Gopala – God, the protector of cows/humans) (Ghee lamps are waved clockwise around SGGS, as a salute to Guru Sahib. SGGS is the Guru and hence the Sargun Saroop of Waheguru on Earth. 7. Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s Bani – concludes the Aarti by performing it for the Sargun Saroops of Waheguru. The Aarti described was/is performed by the devas towards King Indra in the heavens, while in the world the Khalsa does the Aarti towards Guru Sahib in a similar manner. Prior to the conclusion of the Aarti the last verse of Chandi Di Vaar is recited. For more information on this traditional Aarti-Aarta ceremony, you can start by reading this paper by Akali Dr. Kamalroop Singh Ji of the University of Birmingham. (http://kamalroopsingh.blogspot.com/2013/11/arati-arata-by-dr-kamalroop-singh-akali.html) Video Streamed: May 17, 2020 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZPx7UClFq4&ab_channel=HazurSahibLivechannel)

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